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Use Your Exceptional Creative Ability to
Create Confidence and an Extraordinary Life

Annie K Laven
5 min read
What is Friendship?
Photo by Quinn Kananack taken @The Maddox Hotel Let's Take a look at Friendship We all have different kinds of friendships and each of...

Annie K Laven
4 min read
The Secret to Greatness; Raymond Berry
Before we can get to the star of our article, the exceptional Raymond Berry, let us take a look at what brought me to my conversation...

Annie K Laven
2 min read
The Truth About a Positive Attitude
What happens when we focus on the positive aspects of our lives? What becomes more centralized in our lives? If we take the 3% gradient...
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Annie K Laven
6 min read
How to be Fearless - JILL KIRSH
A funny thing happened to Jill Kirsh as she was developing her revolutionary color system. She realized the success of her new “you will...
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