Today, we are going to continue our journey toward discovering the one thing that drives us through all of life’s vast experiences; our purpose.
First of all, I want to thank all of the wonderful people who let me know how much they enjoyed last week’s post. I am most grateful! Love IS a great subject, isn’t it!
Okay, now let’s address another interesting subject that has everything to do with purpose…and that is the subject of goals. Often times people confuse goals and purpose, so I thought I would start with their definitions.
Goal - The object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.
Purpose - the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.

How are goals going to help you discover your purpose? Well, by observing your goals you may notice a pattern that exists, a theme if you will, that is intimately tied to your purpose.
Now, when we think of goals, we often think of things we want to achieve on a long-term basis.
You know,
I want to write an award-winning novel.
I want to run a 10K race.
I want to raise a happy family.
You know, things we can spends thousands of hours on in hopes of achieving.
Those are all worthy goals, worthy of our time and effort and although they could reveal an aspect of our purpose, they are, often too overwhelming a subject to use as guideposts.
So today, we’re going to focus on goals from a different perspective.
We’re going to focus on your everyday goals!
You know…
What do wish to achieve TODAY with your partner?
What do you wish to achieve TODAY with your wardrobe?
What do you wish to achieve TODAY with your workout?

I am currently reading a couple of books that help me think about and define my purpose, my calling, my passions. Thank you for your inspiration on the subject. I look forward to reading more your future blogs about PURPOSE!
Well done! Great examples!!!