I often ask myself, "In ten years when I look back on this period in my life, these choices... what will I think?"
It's a way to give me a larger perspective about the choices I make or shall I say, "the challenges that I accept." It allows me to play out the consequences of my choices and where they might take me.
Do you ever do that?
It goes back to that idea of fulfillment. It's my way of measuring if I'm going to be closer to fulfillment with those choices or further away.
Last week we discussed defining the rules and how doing so, affects happiness, success, and fulfillment.
Today, we go a bit deeper. We'll discuss how certain facets of our daily lives actually define it.
So, today I ask the question, “How do we define our lives?”
Interesting question, right?
Well, we can thank my son Dash, who's attending school in Japan, for the answer. We had an amazing chat about how we define our lives and it became today's piece.
Are you ready?
Here we go…
We define our lives by…
1 - The TIME we chose to spend doing what we do.
2 - The ENERGY that we exert on things and what we
choose not to exert our energy on.
3 - The SPACE we create at home, at school, at work, etc.
(dishes put away, desk organized, car cleaned, etc.)
Think about it!
It’s crazy that you can break it down this way, right? But it's true!
Pretty cool, eh?
Now, let’s take a look at how TIME defines our lives.
